Information Technology and Computer Science

Information Technology and Computer Science

From beginner skills to industry-standard certifications, Pima’s IT and computer training courses are your best way to a high-value career.

Hiring managers at tech companies – and nearly every other business – look for proven experience in:

  • office applications
  • programming
  • networking
  • tech support
  • cybersecurity
  • cloud technology
  • web design

At Pima, you learn the fundamentals, explore the latest technology, and hone your professional skills. You can even immerse yourself in real-time “live-fire” cyber warfare!

Every class is led by an industry-savvy instructor with years of professional experience. Courses focus on collaboration and real-world scenarios. Let’s turn your hands-on experience into an attention-grabbing resume.

Arizona Cyber Warfare Range: Real-Time, Hands-On Training

Located at Pima’s East Campus, this rapidly growing program is centered around the Arizona Cyber Warfare Range. The Range is a unique opportunity and partnership. Operated by students and community volunteers, it provides a safe zone where IT professionals, community members, and students alike can safely explore “live-fire” cyber-attacks and defenses.

This facility is Pima’s Information Technology/Cybersecurity Center of Excellence – and it’s open to the public!

IT & Computer Science: Current Offerings

PimaFastTrack: Information Technology (IT)

Starts: April 1st

Duration: Up to 4 months

Time Commitment: 10 – 15 hours per week

Computer Hardware Components
Comp TIA A+ Exam Prep

You can earn:
Comp TIA A+ Certification

Cost: $990.00

Pricing Includes: Instruction, books, national certification exam

Start On Time And Prepared

Want to learn more about PimaFastTrack? Visit our PimaFastTrack Checklist. Take the next steps toward quick credentials.

Cybersecurity Pathway Bundle

Students will gain a thorough understanding of cybersecurity and ethical hacking as well as practical skills during this 32-week course series. The CompTIA Security+ course will start with fundamental cybersecurity topics to give students a solid understanding of security procedures and risk management. The Law and Ethics course places a strong emphasis on the value of ethical and legal frameworks in cybersecurity practice. These foundations are strengthened by the two ethical hacking courses, which are based on Hack The Box Penetration Testing Specialist and provide realistic scenarios to learn penetration testing and vulnerability assessment skills.

Starts: December 19th

Duration: 32 weeks

Law and Ethics
Ethical Hacking I
Ethical Hacking II

You can earn:
CompTIA Security+ Certification
HTB Certified Penetration Testing Specialist Certification

Cost: $5096.00

Pricing Includes: Instruction, books, national certification exams

Basic CompTIA+ Certification Prep

Basic CompTIA+ Certification Prep

Common computer hardware is foreign to most of us that use the equipment.  Learning skills with Basic Comp TIA A+ Certification opens the inner workings of the computer, how to configure and troubleshoot problems that perplex the average  person. In a few weeks, you will have a basic understanding with hands-on practice to build your confidence.

Microsoft Excel

Introduction Excel

The Excel spreadsheet is a marvel that has gained in functionality and wide-spread use since originally introduced.  This introduction provides beginners with practical application of shortcuts and formatting.  Admittedly, the spreadsheet has more complexity to learn if you need to manipulate data for your business or career. See Intermediate and Advanced to expand your skills.

Intermediate Excel

Your back to build on the foundation of spreadsheet capability learned.  Charts, graphs, PivotTables, slicers, Sparklines, auto filter, and macros move your knowledge and skills to a level where you can manipulate data into meaningful information.

Advanced Microsoft Excel

In this hands-on course, overlooked functions, including data analysis tools, data tables, databases, custom controls and PivotTables build your skills to a solver.  You will learn to create formulas with conditional formatting to predict and solve common problems. At this level, you skills are indispensable to any organization that relies on data to report and perform.

Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office Suite

If you want to have a place in business, one or more of the Microsoft Office products will give you a place in the majority of organizations.  This suite provides fundamentals of the world's most popular programs including Word, Excel, PowerPoint.


Intro to Python 3 Programming

The Python programming language develops code that is easy to create and understand, making your programming easier.  This course will help you write simple scripts, full programs, graphical user interface and give you tools needed to use Python with confidence.

Red Hat Linux for Teachers

Unlock the power of RedHat Linux with our 28-week online course tailored for high school teachers with no prior Linux experience.


Creating WordPress Websites

Have you ever been frustrated by navigating a web site and thought, 'I could make a better web site'? If you want to build an attractive, functional web site, without learning how to code, WordPress is the tool!  No experience is needed with web site publishing to take this course with the most popular web design tools.  You'll be ready to open a hosting account and launch your own web site.

Launch Your Career Quickly

Need job skills now? PimaFastTrack is the fastest way to get an in-demand job. Learn industry-recognized skills so you can get hired quickly.

Prior Learning Assessment Saves Time & Money

When you finish an industry certification, like one through PimaFastTrack, you’re ready to work and you’re ready to build on what you know. Through our Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) program, you can turn noncredit courses and certifications into college credits that count toward a college degree from Pima. Credits vary by program—find out how your knowledge stacks up.

Keep Learning at Pima

Earn Your College Degree

Pima's credit degrees and certificates prepare you for a rewarding career—whether you're looking to start a career, want to upgrade your skills in your current career, or are planning to transfer to a university to complete your bachelor's degree.

Find more at Pima:

Auditing: All the Learning You Crave, Fewer Fees

Consider auditing a class for self-enrichment and academic exploration when you don’t need the college credit. You may audit most credit courses offered by Pima Community College.

Course Refunds

To learn more about Pima's refund policy, visit our Information & Services page.